Friday, March 2, 2007

*sigh... do'n this all over again.

i've been asked that question a lot recently, and i don't have a very good answer for anyone. which usually just leads to even more annoying questions ('when are you coming back?' 'oh great, does this mean nolan's gonna erase his again too?' 'are you trying to hide? i'm gonna get that twenty bucks no matter fucking what, derek.' etcetera...) here's my office response 'shit's whack. fulla haters, posers, fakes and hipsters (lawl, they're all the same), yaddamean?' i'm probably going to start erasing a lot of those types of things (so like... give me your msn again, i have like nobody anymore).

anyways, my feel'n'z (like i even got any) aren't the subject of this blog. what's kewl, hawt, hewp, ahwuhsum, err whatever is. so let's get down to da nitteh-gritteh...

the redneck manifesto has an awesome new free ep for download on their website. cop it... i've been a long running fan of this band and everything they release is gold.

the redneck manifesto - another day of hunting

does it offend you, yeah? seems to be other one of those artists that just hasn't released enough material for me to make a solid judgment about them. but start claiming you're into them now, before you start hearing it at your local downtown hang out.

does it offend you, yeah? - weird science

more to come... i promise this time.

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